Green Financing

Rockfire Investment Management | Renewable Energy EIS Services
Rockfire Capital Ltd

Regional businesses are investing to grow and thrive with CEFC and Commonwealth Bank Energy Efficient Loans.
Clean Energy Finance Corporation

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has issued a loan guarantee to support construction of a waste-to-energy bio-processing facility in Florida.
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

The “SEF Loan” is a documentary portraying three success stories of Fransabank’s clients from different sectors who implement Sustainable Energy Finance solutions proposed by the bank. Fransabank in collaboration with IFC succeeded to bring significant benefits to these clients by reducing their business expenses and at the same time…

In 2010, an Arc Catalytic Investment helped Kenya Women Microfinance Bank (KWFT), one of the largest microfinance bank in Kenya, launch a solar lantern loan program
Kenya Women Microfinance Bank (KWFT)

This NGO provides affordable loans to families helping them buy renewable energy systems that improve their quality of life. Shri Kshethra Dharmasthala Rural Development Project (SKDRDP) in South India is a prime example of the vital role a well-run microfinance organisation can play in meeting the poor's energy needs.
Shri Kshethra Dharmasthala Rural Development Project (SKDRDP)

In Ukraine, for example, imported fossil fuels dominate the power market, leaving behind a heavy carbon footprint. Producing a unit of GDP here requires almost four times more energy than the EU average. To counteract this, the EBRD supports the country’s carbon offsetting through its Ukraine Sustainable Energy Lending Facility (USELF). It is…
Ukraine Sustainable Energy Lending Facility (USELF)