
KEITI, a quasi-government organization affiliated with the Ministry of Environment, is committed to achieving both environmental protection and economic growth. In order to fulfill our mission, we support creating environmental technologies, nurturing environmental industries and promoting an eco-friendly lifestyle. It is our core task to support small…
Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute (Keiti)

MIDA assists companies which intend to invest in the manufacturing and services sectors, as well as facilitates the implementation of their projects. The wide range of services provided by MIDA include providing information on the opportunities for investments, as well as facilitating companies which are looking for joint venture partners.
Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA)

Sustainable Textile Production (STeP)' by OEKO-TEX® is a certification system for brands, retail companies and manufacturers from the textile chain who want to communicate their achievements regarding sustainable production to the public in a transparent, credible and clear manner. Certification is possible for production facilities of all…
International Association for Research and Testing in the Field of Textile Ecology (OEKO-TEX)

When it comes to sustainable building materials, there’s a lot of misinformation out there. Watch this video and get the Real Green facts on natural wood versus man-made products.
The Western Red Cedar Lumber Association

Tanoo Quality Management Services offers Quality Certification Services in Mumbai. Know more about Environmental Management Consultants in Mumbai
Tanoo Quality Management Services

Do you need advice and training on water & air hygiene? Bayly Environmental Services Ltd can help with online training and risk assessments available throughout the UK
Bayly Environmental Services Ltd

Hear from Chief Executive, Romilly Madew on how the GBCA has been driving sustainable building practices across Australia through its Green Star rating tools.
Green Building Council Australia

Malaysian Photovoltaic Industry Association (MPIA) is an organization dedicated to providing a credible platform for the entire photovoltaic (PV) industry in Malaysia. As a non-profit organization active in the promotion of solar PV industry since its inception in 2006, MPIA has played a significant and meaningful role to ensure the PV industry becomes…
Malaysian Photovoltaic Industry Association (MPIA)

As a Focus University, UTeM boasts strengths in technical fields – namely Engineering, IT, and Management Technology. UTeM has cemented a reputation of being a source of high-quality engineering graduates with the capability of meeting the requirements of high-tech industries. UTeM also has research competencies in areas that it has identified…
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM)