Resource Recovery & Environment Management

Around the state, Environment Protection Authority Victoria’s (EPA) authorised officers and environmental scientists take water samples to detect cases of pollution and monitor the health of Victoria’s waterways. Learn about the equipment and processes involved in taking a water sample and why parameters such as salinity and dissolved oxygen…
Environment Protection Authority Victoria

Soil sampling is an important technique in monitoring the health of the environment and confirming suspected cases of pollution. Learn about the scientific processes that Environment Protection Authority Victoria’s environmental scientists and authorised officers use to take soil samples. Soil sampling is just one of the ways EPA is striving…
Environment Protection Authority Victoria

Video describing Onboard Refueling Vapor Recovery (ORVR) technology for light-duty vehicles
Manufacturers of Emission Controls Association (MECA)

Clean, eco friendly touch-less waste solution. Great for a restaurant dining room, mall or food court area.
Compaction Technologies Inc

Clean, eco friendly touch-less waste solution. Great for a restaurant dining room, mall or food court area.
Compaction Technologies Inc

Have been providing wastewater designs and solutions for the domestic and commercial sectors throughout Australia, Indonesia, Philippines, and Mauritius over many years. The Ecomax has provided many of our clients the option of a cost effective, low maintenance and in most circumstances power free solution and clearly an alternative to the costly high…
Australian Environmental Wastewater Solutions Pty Ltd

Marketing video of Dylos DC1100 and DC1700 air quality monitors showing particle counting
Dylos Corporation