The World's First Offshore Wind Fund | Green Investment…
Green Investment Bank

Sol Present - $0 Solar for Businesses
Sol Present

Sustainable Development and Green Energy Project Funding.
First American Capital Partners LLC

Ukraine: Pioneering Green Energy
Ukraine Sustainable Energy Lending Facility (USELF)

The Income Potential Why Ambit Energy - 6 minute
Ambit Energy
12 Feb, 2016

7 inspiring CEOs who want to make the world a better place
Green Financing | UNITED STATES | 26 Jan, 2016
Published by : Care 2 Trade
Not all CEOs are in the business of only fattening their bottom line. Buddy Loans has rounded seven inspiring CEOs who are investing in solutions to some of the world’s greatest challenges. From Amazon’s Jeff Bezos who’s working to improve clean and affordable energy options to the efforts of CEO Lauren Bush who wants to sustainably and ethically feed the world with FEED, the infographic takes a look at some of the world’s most inspiring people.