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11 Apr, 2016

VTT The Leading Research and Technology Company in Nordic Countries
Others | FINLAND | 07 Apr, 2016
Published by : Care To Trade
Who is VTT ?
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd is a Finnish non-profit multidisciplinary R&D organisation. VTT Group is a government agency, and has four subsidiary corporations: VTT Expert Services Oy, VTT Ventures Oy, VTT International Oy and VTT Memsfab Oy. 65% of funding is external (private), 35% is from the government and 21% international (2014).
VTT was founded in 1942 for scientific and public utility. VTT has its headquarters in Otaniemi. VTT is originally an abbreviation of Finnish words "Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus" (State Technical Research Center).
VTT Key's Technology fields
- Applied materials
- Bio- and chemical processes
- Energy
- Information and communication technologies
- Industrial systems
- Microtechnologies and electronics
- Services and the built environment
- Business and innovation research
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd is the leading research and technology company in the Nordic countries. VTT has a national mandate in Finland. They use their research and knowledge to provide expert services for the domestic and international customers and partners. VTT serve both private and public sectors.
VTT have 73 years’ experience supporting the clients growth with top-level research and science-based results.
They develop new smart technologies, profitable solutions and innovation services. And, cooperate with customers to produce technology for business and build success and well-being for the benefit of society.
VTT use 4,000,000 hours of brainpower a year to develop new technological solutions. VTT ensures efficient utilisation of science and technology with the aid of broad international cooperation and networking.

VTT has been granted an ISO9001:2008 certificate, and our environmental system is certified in accordance with ISO14001:2004. VTT is part of Finland's innovation system and operates under the mandate of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy. VTT reports corporate responsibility according to GRI G3 guidelines.
VTT and the Centre for Metrology MIKES amalgamated on 1 January 2015.
VTT GroupTurnover 277 M€ (VTT Group 2014)
Personnel 2,600 (VTT Group 1.1.2015)
President & CEO: Antti Vasara
Established: 1942
Image source : VTT Research
Source : Wikipedia