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13 Jul, 2016

Be Inspired | 5 Beautiful Created Green Technologies
Others | MALAYSIA | 12 Jul, 2016
Published by : Eco Media Asia
1. The Caboo Paper Made From Renewable Sugarcane and Bamboo
Caboo paper products are made from renewable sugarcane and bamboo. Products include bathroom tissue, kitchen roll towels, napkins and facial tissue. Why Caboo? Because bamboo and sugarcane are grasses rather than hardwoods, they both grow very quickly and, after harvest, grow back just as quickly – in as little as three to four months (trees can take up to 30 years to grow). No replanting is necessary – unlike trees, which never grow back after being cut down. About 83 million rolls of toilet paper are produced from trees each day. To make use of renewable resource. Sugarcane is much like bamboo, with an added environmental bonus. The “bagasse” – the dry fibrous residue that remains after the extraction of juice from the crushed stalks – is what we use to make our paper. Normally this bagasse is either disposed of or burned, which means that we are repurposing what would otherwise be discarded. Talk about renewable! Switching to Caboo paper can help youmove toward a more sustainable lifestyle.
2. The Gogoro Electric Smartscooter
The Gogoro Smartscooter is an electric scooter designed for urban transportation. It's powered by an electric motor developed by Gogoro, which is marketed as the G1 Aluminum Liquid Cooled Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor. Instead of plugging into an outlet to recharge, the Smartscooter runs on swappable Panasonic lithium ion 18650 batteries. The Gogoro Energy Network is a modular battery swapping infrastructure designed to be deployed across an urban region. Riders would be able to swap out depleted batteries at a network of kiosks called GoStations for a monthly subscription fee. The Smartscooter is the first vehicle to be integrated into the Gogoro Energy Network.
3. The Smartflower Pop - The World's first all-in-one solar system
4. Leaf Republic - .I am like you, I am different
5. Green Magic Homes
Information via Caboo, Gogoro, Smartflower, Leaf Republic, Green Magic Homes
Prepared by Jason Lee | Ecotechtube Team
Email : jasonlee[at]