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15 May, 2017

Germany just generated a record 85% of its energy from renewable sources
Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency | GERMANY | 11 May, 2017
Published by : Eco Media Asia
Germany has outdone itself yet again when it comes to clean energy. From April 30 through May 1, the country set a national record by generating 85% of all its energy needs using renewable wind, solar, biomass, and hydroelectric power. And this isn’t just an anomaly – experts believe that this will be the new normal for Germany by 2030.
“Most of Germany’s coal-fired power stations were not even operating on Sunday, April 30th, with renewable sources accounting for 85 per cent of electricity across the country. Nuclear power sources, which are planned to be completely phased out by 2022, were also severely reduced,” said Patrick Graichen of Agora Energiewende Initiative.
Germany has worked hard to invest in clean energy sources under Angela Merkel, a vocal supporter of renewable energy. It has paid off. In addition to record-breaking weekends like the one on April 30, more and more energy is coming from renewables. In March, the country average 40% energy from green sources.
Article from
by Kristine Lofgren