Sensity Systems Inc.
Energy Information Technology
Sensity Systems capitalizes on conversions to LED lighting—a process that will affect 4 billion lights worldwide over the next few years—to create a high-speed, sensor-based, multiservice, open networking platform known as a Light Sensory Network (LSN). LSNs help lighting owners improve lighting control and energy efficiency, as well as business processes that go well beyond lighting.
By embedding networking technology and sensors within LED luminaires themselves, Sensity uses energy-efficient LED lighting as the foundation for its turnkey NetSense platform, the first Light Sensory Network implementation. By working closely with developers of software applications and services that run on the NetSense platform, Sensity enables facility and municipal lighting owners to link energy efficiency and cost savings to the improvement of business goals as diverse as public safety, parking control, asset management, and retail analytics.
Sensity is the first company that has assembled all the relevant technology expertise, process integration know-how, and strong partnerships required to make the Light Sensory Network a reality.
Privately held Sensity Systems is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California. The company’s global customers include Fortune 500 businesses, commercial and industrial property owners, retail facilities, municipal and regional agencies, universities, school districts, hospitals, transportation authorities, warehousing and distribution facilities, and horticulture operations.