BuildBlock Building Systems, LLC
Building & Construction, Planning & Landscape
We envision a world in which the benefits of energy-efficient, safe, healthy, comfortable and sustainable ICF constructed buildings and homes are brought to millions of people worldwide through the synergy of BuildBlock’s ICF Technology and the uncompromising integrity of BuildBlock’s Team of Distributors, Dealers and Customers.
To harmoniously use the extraordinary gifts and talents of our Distributors and Dealers to fulfill the goals and dreams of millions of people who want to build better structures as reflected by our motto: “Build it once. Build it for life.”
To manufacture one of the most affordable and highest quality Insulating Concrete Forms available in the world today.
To build greatness by providing the resources and services needed for building successful ICF businesses and sustainable ICF structures.
To build an enduring, profitable company while conducting business with Godly character, fairness and integrity.