Kentucky Power
The Commercial Incentive Program offers a convenient way to receive funding for common energy efficiency projects. It provides financial incentives to business customers who implement qualified energy-efficient improvements and technologies.
Energy efficiency projects can have a quick payback period and improve your bottom line. If your company is considering upgrading to more energy efficient equipment or processes, now is your opportunity to help offset project costs and move forward with your project to lower your electricity use.
All commercial (non-industrial) customers in Kentucky Power service territory are eligible to participate.
Incentives are available for a variety of energy-saving technologies in existing buildings and new construction projects. Choose from a menu of prescriptive measures with standardized incentives. The program menu currently includes incentives for:
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
Food Service and Refrigeration
A complete list of the eligible equipment and incentive amounts can be found in the Program Application. The maximum payout is 50% of incremental equipment costs, up to $20,000 annually per project. Program funding is limited; other limits may apply.