We started the way any other big innovator did –with a dream. Our dream was simple: to offer a product that you could place into the hands of men, women and children around the globe that could help them with the growing problem of unavailable power. Whether that was due to a tragic disaster, or an outdoorsman needing handheld emergency power, G-MAG® wanted to be there to ensure an easy and affordable way to charge devices using the Earth’s most abundant resource. Now, no matter where you are, you can keep your cell phone or other portable device up and running using only salt water.
Since we were kids we were taught to be prepared and shown the areas of this world who simply cannot afford that luxury. If catastrophe strikes, some people just can't get the power that they need to survive the week's end. This is why we set out to change the future and strive to get our G-MAG® portable power in the hands of everyone out there who needs it.