Green Oak Solutions Ltd
Green Oak Solutions has developed a suite of software applications that enable organisations to deliver improvements in environmental performance and overall business sustainability.
Our products provide organisations with flexible web-based, solutions to tackle environmental and security challenges in the following areas:
Waste management and recycling
Disposal of sensitive waste including data-bearing assets
Carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions management
Bespoke environmental solutions including water management
Our industry-leading waste management and recycling software application provides an end-to-end system from management of customer details, through sales order processing to invoicing and reporting. We3 Recycler enables companies to drive efficiencies by automating many labour-intensive processes including invoicing, creation of waste transfer notes and reporting including quarterly returns. Other features include mobile computing solutions that provide the capability to record on-site pick-ups and deliveries as well as interfaces to weighbridges. Companies that utilise We3 Recycler can provide their customers with detailed reporting that provides a high level of confidence that material is being treated in an environmentally safe manner, mitigating compliance risks and protecting brand reputation.
Rising energy costs coupled with legal requirements to reduce greenhouse gas emissions mean that it is now an imperative for all organisations to optimise and continually reduce their carbon footprint. Existing legislation includes the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) targeted at industrial, high energy users, the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC).
The proliferation of global environmental compliance legislation is forcing businesses to re-evaluate their corporate policies and procedures in order to mitigate risk and ensure that their brand reputation is not exposed.
Customers are becoming more and more discerning about business ethics and increasingly only want to do business with companies that have a track record of good corporate social responsibility and environmental performance.
Green Oak has developed a range of products that enables businesses to integrate environmental excellence into their core business processes while ensuring that they are complying with applicable legislation.
carboncheck enables businesses to calculate their detailed carbon footprint across their operations and drive reductions in energy costs and associated greenhouse gas emissions.
Our applications have been designed to integrate into the existing enterprise architecture in order to minimise data management challenges and leverage information from existing systems.