Symphony Environmental Technologies plc
Symphony Environmental Technologies plc specialises in developing and marketing a wide range of plastic products and other environmental technologies, and operates worldwide.
The company is a world leader in the development and marketing of Controlled-life Plastic, selling both pro-degradent additives and finished plastic products through a growing network of international distributors and agents. The Company also sells a comprehensive range of traditional, non-degradable, flexible plastic products.
The Group has chosen to carefully subcontract this work to selected and audited subcontractors around the world. This flexibility provides security of supply, local availability, and significant cost benefits to the Group and its customers.
Degradable finished products and additives are sold worldwide either directly to customers or, increasingly, through a growing network of authorised Distributors and Agents.
The Company has two wholly-owned operating subsidiaries - Symphony Environmental Ltd which concentrates on environmental plastic solutions and Symphony Recycling Technologies Ltd whose operations are focused on recovering useful products and energy from waste plastic and rubber products.
Symphony is a member of the Oxo-biodegradable Plastics Associations (www.biodeg.org) (OPA), the society for the Chemical Industry (UK), and the Pacific Basin Environmental Council. Symphony actively participates in the Committee work of the British Standards Institute (BSI), the American Standards Organisastion (ASTM), the European Standards Organisation (CEN) and the International Standards Organisation (ISO).