Solar Wolf Energy
We at Solar Wolf Energy strive to be the best and be an honest solar company. Providing 13 years experience with solar shields, solar power, raidiant barriers, water wraps, garage door systems, heat shields, AA2 and VR Plus, solar attic fans, solar water heaters and many more applications.
Solar Wolf Energy is founded by two gentlemen that are well respected in their locations and trades. Focusing on the old addage to under promise and over deliver. Both founding members Chris and Ted have their roots sprouted in the latest of energy saving construction execution and methods since 1994. By focusing on the customer needs, being fully transparent throughout the whole process, and not trying to upsell their customers more than they need you will find that Solar Wolf is a top tier energy company that is second to none. Our customers know this, and you should too. FInd out more and let us work for you by giving us a call and let us give you a free consultation.
Our Chairman and CFO Ted Strzelecki has a lengthy career in the construction arena as well as being part of several businesses that have scaled and successfully matured over time. His adept construction experience includes some projects of exceptionally high profile and incredible risk. Working directly with the governor's office Ted was honored to be a part of the top tier management of a 54 million dollar project to demolish, remodel, update, and expand a drinking water treatment plant that served over 5 million citizens. Ted brought his job in on budget and ahead of schedule. It is but just one of the heavy civil jobs he has felt honored to be a part of and complete. With this and many other qualifications, Solar Wolf Energy's Chris and Ted can assure a quality product, installation, and continued service with integrity.