Michigan Green Cabs LLC
Michigan Green Cabs, LLC was formed in response to ever increasing global concerns, as well as a our commitment to taking pro-active steps to make a difference in the quality of environment we leave to future generations. It is our ambition to establish a network of “Michigan Green Cabs” statewide employing only the latest in Hybrid technologies and electronic dispatch.
Environmental Impact:
For every 150 old traditional cabs we send to the recycle bin we can save 1,200,000 gallons of fuel per year traveling the same distance as the competition. We are also reducing pollution and green house gases by over 70 percent with our Hybrid technologies.
Economic Impact:
For every Michigan Green Cab we deploy we create three new full time jobs and one or two new part time positions. One hundred new cabs statewide will create four hundred permanent new positions for displaced Michigan workers.
It was our beloved President John F. Kennedy who said “ Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”. We are of this “Kennedy” generation and have a responsibility to take pro-active measures where ever and when ever we can. Make a difference or go home !