Eco Green Equipment LLC
ECO Green Equipment has been designing and manufacturing equipment for the recycling industry for over a decade and is emerging as a leader in providing cost effective turnkey tire recycling systems. Coupled with the extensive industry experience of our management and engineering teams, we provide custom designed tire recycling systems that deliver optimum production for a variety of applications such as TDF (Tire Derived Fuel), wire-free chips, crumb rubber and rubber powder. Each system is tailored to the needs of the business location, market, and customer. Our corporate headquarters is located in Salt Lake City, Utah in the United States. We operate our own production and manufacturing facility and invite customers to visit our ECO Green equipment showroom.We have a multi-culture and bi-lingual management team fluent in several international languages. We have manufactured and installed recycling systems in countries all over the world, including the USA, Europe, Mexico, South America, South Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Our team is highly skilled in the waste tire industry. Our engineers have been designing and developing recycling equipment for over 15 years. In addition, they have hands on experience working in recycling facilities discovering more effective ways to increase production efficiencies and decrease excess operational costs. Our team is consistently researching the development and innovation of secondary rubber products. ECO Green Equipment has been involved in the transition of the tire recycling market from just volume waste reduction to the ability of selling products created from recycled tires. More companies and local governments are now looking at recycling tires as a viable business opportunity and a way to create new jobs. ECO Green Equipment is the only recycling equipment manufacturer that offers a true turn-key recycling solution—from shreds to powder. We manage the complete process from the initial design of the system to the final installation of the plant. ECO Green’s mission is to provide our customers with a competitive advantage. We are able to accomplish this by using proven American and European technologies with internationally known components such as Siemens, SKF, and General Electric (GE). In addition, we use highly sophisticated testing equipment to ensure all heat treated components meet industry standards. By establishing an efficient manufacturing and assembly facility, we offer our customers a unique value with significant equipment cost savings.