The Garden Of Eden
Our purpose is to share with the world the living reality of a thriving Sustainable Community, so that others can see and know that it is possible to live in harmony and symbiotic union with one another and with the Earth.
The Garden of Eden in Kennedale, Texas, is the first of what we hope will be a tidal wave of sustainable ecovillages to spring up all around the world, providing sustainable solutions for food production, housing, commerce and community to many joyful and grateful people.
Here we are creating an evolving model for sustainable, responsible, enjoyable living that encompasses all the necessities of life, and many of the niceties too. Based on this model, the Garden of Eden can be recreated and adapted for the many different environments and cultures that exist all around the world.
The widespread and global rise of sustainable eco-villages has the potential to usher in an entirely New Paradigm of living, where humans exist in harmony with nature and with one another.
Yet this reality shall exist only when we as INDIVIDUALS, en masse, are ready and willing to take full responsibility for aligning with such a reality at the depths of our very being. That means truly loving ourselves, truly loving our planet, and truly loving one another. From that place of true love, all decisions made will be made for the benefit of all.