Bio Collectors Limited
Bio Collectors have been involved in the waste industry for over 40 years and recognise the needs of the catering and food processing industry to rise to the challenge of ethically disposing of waste, whilst watching costs.
We believe that green does not have to be expensive, its just common sense that our processes have been designed to offer a refreshing alternative to land fill.
Everyone understands that there are only so many land fill sites and we are starting to fill them up in the UK. The EU has recognised this and has put in a system of fines to countries that do not assist with the problem. Our government has reflected this with substantial charges for using landfill, causing the cost of waste disposal to increase.
Our company has been involved with the development of the food waste recycling technology for over 5 years and uses Anaerobic Digestion Technology to turn food waste into agricultural fertiliser. We also produce Green energy in the form of Electricity and Biomethane gas which we use to power local businesses in London.
So instead of filling landfill and causing a potential biological hazard, it goes into fertilising future generations of produce.
By allowing Bio Collectors Ltd. to collect your food waste, you are joining a progressive group of people and organisations that understand the need to dispose of their food waste in a way that reflects the issues faced by society today.
We are passionate about the services we offer, and we will do our best to make you greener.
We will encourage and facilitate separation of food from other waste and will offer training and support on site as and when needed.
We are the only company collecting London's waste and recycling that waste in London.