Eco-Products & Services
ReMaterialise was born out of the desire to stop hoarding and throwing away the vast amount of plastic bags I had accumulated. The name is a play on words I am a known lover of Star Trek.
I have always been a very creative person and I am always making something. I have always found ingenious solutions for things and am always re purposing items for a new use.
I very much enjoy the irony of turning plastic shopping bags into reusable shopping bags. Here we have a waste item that was made out of a non renewable resource, designed for a one time use and then thrown away to never really go away. That just doesn't make sense!! So by turning this waste stream into a long lasting, highly useful item we give it some purpose.
The bags are currently manufactured in my house having taken over a fair portion of the living space. Each bag takes roughly 3-4 hours to construct and are hard wearing, strong, sturdy and funky too.
The business currently doesn't run a profit but with all the money made ploughed back into the business we are able to recycle more and more plastic bags, as at the 1 November 2015 our total recycled was around 60,000!
Each of our bags are a work of art with some pieces taking many many hours to create. I consider myself to be a plastic artist, recycler, mad scientist and environmentalist.